Applications similar to speccy for windows 10
Applications similar to speccy for windows 10

applications similar to speccy for windows 10

You can find additional information through the category tree in the left pane of the window, particularly under “Components”.

applications similar to speccy for windows 10

The initial page of the System Information tool is a thorough summary of your PC’s specifications, including in-depth information about your operating system, processor, BIOS, motherboard, RAM, and more. Click the “System Information” app result to open it.

applications similar to speccy for windows 10

In order to open the System Information tool: Windows 10 includes a more robust tool called System Information that can get you more detailed specification information. Using the Windows 10 System Information tool Kevin Casper/IDG Clicking any device will bring up additional device information as well as current activity information, like how much CPU power or RAM your PC is using. Under the Performance tab, you should see on the left side listings for your CPU, Memory (aka RAM), Disk drives, Network connection(s), and graphics devices as relevant. Once the Task Manager is open, you should be able to see a tab labeled “Performance”, which you can click.

  • Click the “Task Manager” app result to open it.
  • Ctrl + Alt + Delete, and then click “Task Manager” from the selectionĪdditionally, you can find and open the Task Manager via the Start Menu:.
  • In order to open the Task Manager, there are two keyboard shortcuts:

    Applications similar to speccy for windows 10